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Dive deep into contemporary political issues with our "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" trilogy.

Each volume offers a unique perspective on recent events and their implications for our society.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely #1:
The 2020 Election

This book provides a detailed examination of the 2020 election and its aftermath, including:


  • The controversies surrounding the election process

  • Analysis of voting methods and their potential impacts

  • The January 6th incident and its consequences

  • The broader implications for American democracy


Otto presents a critical analysis of these events, focusing on their societal impact and the responses they elicited.


Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely #2:
The Scam

This volume explores various aspects of contemporary American politics that the author views as problematic, including:


  • The influence of political ideologies on education

  • Media dynamics and their role in shaping public opinion

  • The concept of "WOKE" culture and its political implications

  • Crime policies and their effects

  • The pursuit of equity in education

  • Historical and contemporary perspectives on racism in American politics


The book aims to uncover what the author perceives as deceptive practices in modern politics.


Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely #3: Socialism

The final book in the trilogy covers the rise of socialist policies and their potential consequences:


  • Analysis of socialist policies and their implementation

  • The climate change debate and its political implications

  • Foreign policy challenges and their relation to socialist ideologies

  • The evolution of various social issues under socialist influences

  • Identity politics and its impact on society


This book concludes the series with a broad examination of socialist trends in contemporary politics.

Each volume in this trilogy offers a unique viewpoint on complex political issues. While the perspectives presented may be controversial, they aim to stimulate thought and discussion on important topics in contemporary politics.

Gary's previous works


Singularity: Mankind's Search For Relevance

As we approach singularity, mankind is on the precipice of a new era where we are no longer the top of the intellectual food chain. We redefine how our digital intelligent (D.I.) successors will think in ways that are completely alien to human thought. .


The interaction between these two forces on Earth will be fraught with problems and opportunities. We explore many of the issues that will unfold from this transition to the new world order. Readers will come away with a new understanding of where we are now and how that perspective will need to evolve to the dictates of our future guardians.


Black Holes:
The New Paradigm

Black Holes - The New Paradigm challenges the prevailing model of black hole behavior, which ignores the infinities and zeros inherent in the event horizon and accepts the violations of Special Relativity.

The New Paradigm resolves these conflicts as it establishes and mathematically justifies that the event horizon is a hard barrier that cannot be bridged. Black Holes - The New Paradigm explores the implications of these conclusions for "light geometry" and how this forms the basis for the shifting of space dimensions with time dimensions, which generates the foundation of a universe.


Occam's Razor

Occam’s Razor shows how the concepts described in Black Holes - The New Paradigm redefine the Universe’s structure as a single, vast black hole.


In the process, General Relativity, quantum mechanics and information theory are merged into one cohesive description of the Universe. The mathematics that back the black hole model offer the simplest possible explanation for the Universe that we observe.

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